You just don't understand... It has been just about every single night with this darn ball!!! My parents witnessed this phenomenon this weekend while he napped on the couch. This morning we again were awaken to the missing ball. Believe me it's getting old and I was trying to ignore his crying but after a good 20 mins. and everybody else being awake I jumped out of bed to look for it. I mean Dom even has his baby sister looking for it.... picture that!
I went to his room and nothing! I came back into our room and stripped off the all the blankets and threw all the pillows on the floor..... NOTHING!!! Jamie decided to pick up the phone to call grandma Becky (Becky loves that fact that Dom is so attached to a ball she gave him... hmmm) We needed her to feel our PAIN! It wasn't until Jamie decided to go get the grabber that aunt Ellena got us one Christmas and moved a few items under the bed and found it. Sorry no picture it was way too early but hopefully I painted one well enough for you...
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